Monday, September 14, 2015
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6M Kickstart Your VA Business Programme

Categories: Training


Do you want to work from home/your own office using your PA skills but don’t know where to start?


Are you an experienced PA/EA who wants the flexibility of working from home but don’t know where to start?


Many PA’s and EA’s are enjoying the flexibility of working from home as a virtual assistant, utilising their skills and earning a decent living.


But how can you replicate their success?

You may be great at what you do in your job as a personal or executive assistant, but you already know this is not enough when setting yourself up as a VA.


You might be asking yourself these questions:


·       Where do I find clients

·       What do I charge

·       What equipment do I need

·       Can I really earn a full-time wage

·       I’m scared of selling

·       I’m nervous presenting

·       Do I need website

·       Should I do marketing

·       How do I do marketing

·       What are the legalities

·       Do I need an accountant

·       What if a client doesn’t pay


It’s not enough to have a computer to set up a virtual assistant business. There are more businesses that fail in their first year than go on and that’s very much the case in the VA world.


So how can you ensure that you are one of the success stories .... ?


'The 6M Kickstart Your VA Business 6 module programme'


This programme is for you if you want to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes that failed VAs make.


It’s for you if you want to shortcut your way to success and learn what it is that successful high-earning VAs do so that you too can be successful.


After the successful completion of the programme, you will be able to:


·       Know what equipment and software you need

·       How to organise your day to fit your family and work

·       How to market yourself

·       Know what to say to prospects without sounding like you’re selling

·       Be confident about charging what you’re worth

·       Be able to talk confidently about what you do at network meetings

·       Confidently deliver a 60 second elevator pitch

·       Know how to protect yourself against non-payers

·       Know how to package your services

·       Know where to find ideal clients who love what you do

·       Know what systems to put in place

·       Know what best practice

·       What to put in client agreements

·       Know how to use Associates as a back up


How we help you


We are three virtual assistants who’ve been there and are making it as successful VAs. We work full time in our VA businesses working with amazing clients who love what we do. Best of all we each earn a full time living from our businesses. Between us we have 30 years experience in running our VA businesses. We know what works and what doesn’t because we’ve learned the hard way – through trial and error. We also invest in ourselves with trainings and coachings so we can stay on top of the game and keep our skills up to date.


We have distilled all our knowledge and learnings into this 6 module programme, The 6M Kickstart Your Virtual Assistant Business.


Short-cut your journey to success with the 6M Kickstart Your VA Business Programme which will cover:


Module 1 – Mindset

The first vital step to ensuring your success is your mindset and goal setting. A VA is a business owner and covers how you make that transition from employee to business owner. We cover how to banish all that negative mind chatter that can talk you out of pitching effectively and winning a client


Module 2 – Money

We discuss the options of whether you be a sole-trader vs limited company and the differences. Everything you need to know about bank accounts, book-keeping, Inland Revenue, tax and how to stay legal.


Module 3 – Management

All about how to manage clients so they remain clients. We cover using associate VAs as back up and additional sources of income, as well as keeping yourself sane. We cover contracts, non-disclosure, insurance, data protection. We also cover boundaries and how you manage the challenges of working from home.


Module 4 – Marketing

How to find and attract the right sorts of clients. Pricing and how to package what you do. We cover elevator pitches, informal and formal networking, how to banish nerves, branding for your VA practice and you.


Module 5 – Materials

This module is about your office set up, the equipment and software you need, your working space, online solutions for storage, file sharing with clients and associates, phones, mobiles, tablets, computers, time tracking.


Module 6 – Masterplan

This final module is all about planning for your success. We tie up everything covered in modules 1-5 and work on how to make your business goals achievable.



How does the programme work?


It’s as easy as A, B, C…


A)  Each module is a 60 minute 121 call with one of our experienced VA trainers. A call to action, or task, will be set on each call. This in turn will be followed up via email after each module to answer any questions and discuss your progress.


You can spread the modules over a 6 month period or if you wish to fast track the modules you can schedule them to your preference*. The modules have been broken down into easy to digest, manageable topics. Unlimited email support will be given throughout your training. Our ultimate goal is to support you in achieving your dream VA business.



You will have far greater understanding of how to get and keep clients doing the work you love doing and being paid what you’re worth. You will avoid all the mistakes that other VAs make that ultimately forces them to quit.

Each module is £220 or buy the complete 6 modules in advance for just £1,200


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Sales Enquiries - Geraldine Skinner
Events & Training, Marketing & Media - Jacky Workman